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How do I create my SPV Organizer profile?

Creating your Organizer profile is quick and easy. You will need to have relevant tax and compliance information on hand to complete the process.

The SPV Organizer is the the equivalent to a management company in a traditional VC fund. The SPV Organizer also occupies the Advisor role and is entitled to carried interest per our template LLCA. Once you have been invited to the Sydecar platform by a member of our sales team, you can login through a magic link to create your profile and launch your first deal. Please follow the steps below to get started:

  1. First, select whether you will be leading deals as an individual or through an entity.
  2. If you are leading SPVs as an individual, you will need the following pieces of information:
    1. Legal Name
    2. Date of Birth
    3. Phone Number
    4. Citizenship
    5. SSN (US persons) or Passport # (foreign persons)
    6. Primary and Mailing Address
    7. Corporate Transparency Act Exemption Status
    8. CRD if you are an Investment Advisor or ERA
  3. If you are leading SPVs as an entity, you will need the following pieces of information:
    1. Legal name of the entity
    2. Entity type and jurisdiction
    3. Tax classification
    4. Tax ID
    5. Business address
    6. Ultimate beneficial owners:
      1. First and last name
      2. Email
      3. Phone
      4. Ownership percentage
    7. Control person information:
      1. Legal Name
      2. Date of Birth
      3. Phone Number
      4. Citizenship
      5. SSN (US persons) or Passport # (foreign persons)
      6. Primary and Mailing Address
      7. Corporate Transparency Act Exemption Status